Release Day Blitz+Giveaway!!

Happy Release Day to Christine DePetrillo for the latest novel in her One Kind Deed series: One Kind Word! If you’re a fan of contemporary romance, read on to learn more about this standalone story.

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Marco made a decision right then to feed Shaina. In all possible ways.

Marco Vieira serves his customers at Cups Café with a smile even though he’d rather be working on his novel. Recently, however, he’s having more success making specialty BLT sandwiches for the citizens of Maplehaven than adding any words to his manuscript. He’s tried all the tricks to get over writer’s block, but nothing seems to work. He can’t find any inspiration—in writing or in relationships. His friends have all found their soul mates, but he’s still staring at the blank pages of his love life.

Shaina Windsor needs money. If she doesn’t get some cash soon, her very sick twin sister, Heather, isn’t going to survive. Shaina has to find a way to afford medical treatment for Heather before she loses her only living relative—and her best friend. Out of funds and nearly homeless due to their late Aunt Patty’s financial debts, the sisters arrive in Maplehaven in a rusty RV, hoping for a miracle.

When Shaina eyes Cups Café as a potential source of money, she decides desperate times call for desperate measures. What she doesn’t expect is to play the role of hero when she discovers Marco is still inside the café after hours and in trouble. Her next move could mean life or death for both of them.

Is one kind word enough to write a happy ending?

About Christine DePetrillo:

Facebook Page|Facebook Group|Instagram|BookBub|Goodreads|Amazon

Christine DePetrillo can often be found hugging trees, conversing with dragonflies, and walking barefoot through ​sun-warmed soil. She finds joy in listening to the wind, bathing in moonlight, and breathing in the fragrances of things that bloom. If she had her way, the sky would be the only roof over her head. Her love of nature seeps into every story she tells. As does her obsession with bearded mountain men who build, often smell like sawdust, and know how to cherish the women they love. Today she writes tales meant to make you laugh, maybe make you sweat, and definitely make you believe in the power of love. She lives in Rhode Island and occasionally Vermont with her husband and her cat who defend her fiercely from all evils. Sign up for her newsletter at

Enter the Giveaway:

Priest By Sierra Simone

Where do I begin?!

I’ve never been much of a religious person so I don’t think much about sinning and damnation. I think mostly about being a decent human being because that is morally right and being nice just makes me feel good.

Sierra Simone’s Priest was a sinfully delicious book. She spoke beautifully about religion in the face of sex and God that had me in tears. She was able to make me feel Tyler’s pain when it came to his decisions and why he chose to become a Priest to begin with.

My name is Tyler Anselm Bell. I’m twenty-nine years old. Six months ago, I broke my vow of celibacy on the altar of my own church, and God help me, I would do it again.

Tyler and Poppy’s dynamic through this entire book was straight up hectic. In a good way. They were immediately attracted to each other. They were two moths to a flame. Their love was hot, fast, and furious and left me wonting and aroused. I applaud Sierra for her writing and eliciting such feelings from me!

There were times where I wanted to quit reading, I’m not going to lie. This book was heart breaking and towards the end I wanted to yell at Poppy because I ‘assumed’ that what she did was selfish and cruel and very teenager like, but thankfully we get to see why she chose what she did, even if I still believe she should’ve done differently.

Am I being too vague? Good, because here at Forensic Mom I will NOT spoil anything for you!

I loved every minute of Tyler’s confession. It was sexy and forbidden – everything I enjoy because I live through these books, people!

My Favorite Fantasy Series + More Tidbits

I know I have not read near as many books as I want to, but out of the ones I have read I would like to share my favorite fantasy series. I’ll share with you my top 5 or so as well as ones I have in my possession that I have not finished and ones that I have and WANT to finish.

Top Fantasy books in my possession

Here we go!

The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini

I fell in love with Fantasy the moment my eyes alighted on Eragon. I absolutely adore The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini! Swords, combat, DRAGONS, and creatures of all races wrapped up in a four book cycle just waiting for you to devour if you haven’t yet! These books will ALWAYS be my top favorite.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Thrones of Glass is a widely known series and is currently a hot topic among YA Fantasy lovers. I read Throne of Glass before knowing that it had a huge fan base and now I’ve been sucked into the fandom and really enjoy seeing people rave about it. Although, A Court of Thorns and Roses by this author is probably more loved than TOG. I, however, prefer TOG over ACOTAR due to the fact that the eight book series has more in depth characters and world building. I love everything about these books.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E Schwab

Schwab’s writing is hauntingly beautiful and poetic. That extends to all of her work that I’ve read but A Darker Shade of Magic trilogy is by far my favorite series by her.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Who wouldn’t love a story about God’s and Monsters that use the Earth as a safe haven before going through a split in the world to have an epic battle? It’s what crazy dreams are made of and its spectacular. This series does not have enough people ranting and raving about it!

Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo

Don’t hang me, but I think Bardugo’s Six of Crows duology is way better than her Shadow and Bones series. I’m sorry, but the writing in Shadow and Bone is subpar, although I am still excited to see it on Netflix (I did enjoy the books).

The above books are my favorite fantasy series that I have read to date and own in their entirety. All these books are fairly popular among the YA Fantasy genre. If you haven’t read them, what is holding you back?

Fantasy books that I own but haven’t finished for a variety of reasons

The following three books in this next list make me cringe. I didn’t finish them because they were bland and just plain boring to me. I’m sorry! I have absolutely nothing against these authors, just these particular works of theirs.

Passenger by Alexandra Bracken

I have Passenger and Wayfair in my possession but didn’t make it to the second book!

First Life by Gena Showalter

I have First Life and First Blood and didn’t make it to First Blood. I really do enjoy Gena’s writing, it’s just the first book didn’t do it for me.

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

I have this entire series in an unopened boxset that I bought thinking that I would continue the series. I never did. Red Queen read like it was too formulated and forced.

Fantasy books that I’ve enjoyed and plan on finishing

The following books are ones that I really liked and have but just haven’t finished reading them. I plan to.

An Ember in the Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir

I read An Ember in the Ashes and A Torch Against the Night but haven’t gotten around to reading Reaper at the Gates or Sky Beyond the Storm. I wholly plan too though so keep an eye out for those reviews!

King of Scars Duology by Leigh Bardugo

I have Rule of Wolves sitting on my night stand TBR pile just waiting for me to pick it up. It’s a matter of sitting down and right now I’ve been doing the majority of my reading through Kindle. Rule of Wolves is a new release and I can’t wait to get around to it also!

There you have it folks! My favorites and DNF’s and ones that I plan on getting to. My next goal is to read books that are not as well known to give myself a well rounded reading background.

Dual Book Review: Cellar Door and Cruel: A Necrosis of the Mind Duet by Trisha Wolfe

I’m bringing you a dual part book review!

I read Cellar Door and Cruel: A Necrosis of the Mind Duet by Trisha Wolfe back to back so I decided to go ahead and review them both in one go. Think of this as a 2 in 1 book review. You don’t have to go to two different links!

Cellar Door by Trisha Wolfe 4/5 Stars

Cellar door is a psychological thriller that wants to lean towards romance. It fucks with your head and they … well…you know. What makes this book more thriller than romance is that the story revolves around vengeance more than romantic relationships, but you get that one heated scene that has you questioning your judgement and that of the author’s.

Makenna Davies is a ousted detective turned Private Investigator investigating what seems to be a simple investigation into a client’s slimy husband. This investigation turns south when she is thrust into a cellar and made to confront truths that are better left unknown by the hands of her partner’s killer.

I love police force themed main characters. I have a love for police dramas and Trisha usually has a character that was/is on the force and has me rooting for the villain every single time. Who says the bad guy has to be innately bad?

As well fall for Luke Easton so does our Makenna and as Makenna we question why we’re falling for our captor. Is it Stockholm syndrome? Are we just that messed up in our heads? Somehow, we forget those questions and just accept the fact that we have this little deviant inside of us and root for the two get together, and of course, we’re not disappointed.

As far as the mechanics of the book goes, I absolutely adore the cover, but there are quite a few grammar mistakes that had me running to the dictionary to make sure that was a word I hadn’t heard before. It did not, however, distract me from the wonderfully woven story. The only super negative thing I have to say is…. I wish there was more. I always wish there were more.

Cruel: A Necrosis of the Mind Duet 4/5 Stars

Cruel (A Necrosis of the Mind Duet 1) is book one in Trisha Wolfe’s newest psychological thriller duet (we are waiting on book two!!) that surprised me with an easter egg! It’s very rare that I catch on to easter eggs in book, so I was thrilled when I recognized this one!

Blakey Vaughn is a psychopath turned killer. Dr. Alex Chambers is an emergent psychopathic biomedical scientist who is hell bent on curing the psychopathic disease. What could go wrong here? If you have read Born, Darkly then you will be pleasantly surprised about why our Dr. has turned into such a psychopath. If you haven’t read it then I advise you to click here to get yourself a kindle copy!

Cruel and Cellar Door are quite similar in that our captives are hidden out in the middle of nowhere and are faced with men challenging their minds to the breaking point. What is it with these gorgeous, emotionally unavailable men that like messing with heads? That is the wonder of Trisha’s writing that get’s me in such a twist.

Normally, when I think of thrillers my first thought is ‘scary’ but these books are by no means frightening. They do make you scratch your head and have your skin crawling. So if you’re looking for books that mess with your head, heart, and morals then Cruel and Cellar door are for you. They are just the right amount of freaky and steaminess to keep you coming back for more.

Shadow & Warrior (Genetically Modified Novels) Review

Holly S. Roberts has been such a generous soul in  gifting me E-ARCS of Shadow and Warrior, the first two books in her new Genetically Modified series.

I read these books in two days. I’m serious. I started Shadow Wednesday morning while my son was in school and finished it this morning (Thursday) then jumped right into Warrior. I had Warrior finished by late afternoon; I could NOT put these books down!

Holly cautiously approached me about these books with a concern that I would not be interested in a Paranormal/Urban Fantasy book. Granted, most paranormal books that I’ve read had been flops, but Holly has NEVER once let me down with her stories. I have always been hooked from the beginning. She writes such heartwarming, steamy, sexy reads that can’t be put down. I saw no reason why Shadow & Warrior would be any different.

{Please be warned that these reviews may (will) contain spoilers!!}

Shadow (A Genetically Modified Novel) Book 1 Review:

Half-man, half-beast, King is the ultimate Alpha Male.

Leader of the Shadow Warriors, King’s objective is to live in harmony among the human race. Already living peacefully with Cuban survivors of the Hellhound ‘apocalypse’  two years after the war shows their restraint and ability to lead normal lives despite their shape-shifting abilities.

Clumsy, naive and subservient Marinah is sent to Cuba as a liaison between the Federation and Shadow Warriors – a mission sure to end in death.

What could go wrong?

While reading Shadow I was plagued with doubts of Marinah completing her mission to bring back Shadow Warriors to aid in the Federation’s survival from the Hellhounds. Marinah is such a self-conscious, self-depreciating main character that I couldn’t believe her as a heroin…but Holly did her justice by creating so much character growth.HSR-hnim-gmn-Shadow-750x1125

I grew to love Marinah throughout the book with her snide remarks, spunky attitude, and her sense of false hope. You just have to sympathize with a woman who trips over her own two feet while barely moving (I do the same dang thing!) and still faces the threat of death with a witty response.

{The Shadow Warriors I’m heading to meet terrify me to the point of unreasonable behavior. Think jumping into a pit of crocodiles, whipping out an umbrella, and whistling “My Humps” by the Black Eyed Peas while flailing to the beat of snapping jaws.}

When Marinah meets King, the Alpha male of the Shadow Warriors, the spark is not instantaneous but I did see a huge Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey moment. Marinah trips off the last step of the airplane and face-plants at King’s feet. I just love embarrassing first encounters. They’re so real and relatable.

I’m a sucker for a slow burn romance. Holly didn’t fail in the slow burn department because the lack of sex in this first book was disheartening, but it’s worth the wait! Mating raging beasts aside.

You love shapeshifters? You love Urban fantasy with twists and deep disgusting secrets? Then you’ll love these Genetically Modified books. Holly gives us questionable material about formaldehyde, GMOs and entities that are practically zombies.

{The formaldehyde also leaks from coffins and contaminates surrounding plots. We are battling our dead and the next wave will be worse because they are evolving into something else entirely. They’re watching us and calculating our weaknesses. It wasn’t this way in the beginning or none of us would still be breathing. Marinah thinks they’re coming. What she hasn’t figured out is they’re already here.}

You thought that was a spoiler? LADIES! You haven’t seen anything yet!

Shadow encompassed everything you could ask for. Fantasy, a bit of genetic modification, slow burn romance, and beastly alpha males.

Warrior (A Genetically Modified Novel) Book 2 Review:

Warrior delved deeper into the Federation’s corrupt system and dislike for Shadow Warriors.

Marinah is sent back to the Federation with knowledge that should’ve gotten her killed outright in Cuba. With this new found knowledge, Marinah is on the war path to topple the Federation and coexist with her new Shadow Warrior allies.

Warrior also delves deeper into Marinah and King’s kindled relationship and gives us the51zfhKtKgUL steamy romance we’ve been craving since the spark in Book 1.

{Somehow, I end up with my back against the bed and King’s lips moving over my neck. Each small nip makes me arch against him and reach for more, needing all of him. My breasts, my belly, lower. He leaves me writhing, my sighs heavy in the room. I’m beyond ready when he lines up his body and meets my gaze.

“You’re mine, Marinah”, he says and finally, he proves it.

“I’m yours”, I strangle out at his entry.}

While reading Shadow I had this insane picture of King in my mind and what he would look like as a shape-shifter. What I’m about to show you required several minutes of browsing furry pictures and trying not to question myself on why I needed to find a likeness. kisspng-gray-wolf-fan-art-deviantart-werewolf-luis-royo-5b0f34808b8a72.2220144315277231365716


This deviant art of a soldier wolf isn’t quite what I was looking for, but it’s a long the same lines. Leather straps. Sexy muscles. Hairy. Huge paws and claws. You get the drift. King and his warriors train with swords so this is a fitting image. Imagine this guy riding a motorcycle!

Holly creates brand new characters in a scary aftermath of U.S. government f**k-up that leaves you reeling and questioning your own beliefs about what is really the truth in our news outlets.

And the idea about GMO Hellhounds?

{I overhauled my eating and my husband’s and began studying. GMOs are a huge concern of mine and I actually marched against Monsanto 😉 I thought it would be really cool to have a monster come out of GMOs and the story doesn’t hit everyone over the head with my beliefs but there is a message.

-Holly S. Roberts}

Interested in this phenomenal new series? Check out the pre-order links below to get your hands on Shadow Book 1 when it releases 2/12/2019!




Apple Books



{Warrior Book 2 Links to come soon! Warrior release 3/5/2019}

About the Author 

Holly Roberts

Holly S. Roberts is the USA TODAY Best-Selling Author of the Hotter Than Hell, Club El Diablo and Completion Sports series. If a book doesn’t have enticing romance, steamy sex, and hot alpha men she doesn’t read or write it. She believes in love at first sight because she lives it with her husband/high school sweetheart.

Holly’s passions outside of writing include working out, roller skating, and gardening. She believes that even approaching senior-hood she can do anything she sets her mind to. Trying out for Survivor and being the oldest roller derby queen in history are on her bucket list.

In 2014 Holly optioned her first movie deal with Hollywood and in 2016 her second. She’s still waiting but eventually one of her stories will appear on the big screen. Rep’d by Lane Heymont with Tobias Literary Agency with film and TV rights held by Dreamstreet Entertainment, Holly spends time in HOLLYwood and her home high in the Arizona Mountains.

You can follow Holly at her website or on Facebook at where her daily smutty posts appear as well as a view inside her wicked world.


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The Marie Kondo Method: My Experience Tidying Books

In my last blog post I was going through all my boxes of books to see what series of YA books I have read and which ones I haven’t. From there, I decided to employ the Marie Kondo method during the process. Two birds, one stone and all that jazz.

While tackling 7 boxes of books in a tiny room can be slightly overwhelming, I tried not to feel the daunting dread that threatened to crush me when faced with this task I set up for myself. In truth, I thought I was setting myself up for failure and wasn’t sure if I was doing this because it was the latest ‘fad’ or if I truly wanted to start downsizing.

I knew this wasn’t just a ‘fad’ I wanted to be apart of, because I have never been one to follow the masses – I really wanted to put a dent in my stacks for the sake of space. I feel absolutely claustrophobic in my room and the only thing keeping me sane is knowing I’ll be out soon and that this is all temporary.

The Process

The KonMari method has five categories to go by: Clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous and momentos.  Seeing as I just decided to employ the KonMari method on my books, I forgoed doing the rest of the categories. That isn’t to say I won’t consider using this method when I finally move (because I KNOW I have other areas to downsize in).

At first I was going to just surround myself with boxes of books, because I thought, hell, who doesn’t love to be surrounded by books? Then I thought to myself, this isn’t supposed to be a loving process. This is supposed to be a downsizing process.

{Keep in mind, I didn’t organize anything. The only thing I was able to do was take books out that didn’t give me joy, and replace the books I kept back into their boxes. I know the KonMari method requires you to do everything in one go (tidy and organize), but I just don’t have my own space for that, yet.} 

Instead of surrounding myself with boxes upon boxes, I went through one box at a time.20190124_100847 A lot of the books that I sat aside were mass market paperbacks, second books in a series (when I went to Wal-Mart and randomly found a book that looked great but didn’t realize it was part of a series. Yeah…I was one of those people), books that I grew out of, and books that I never read and knew I didn’t intend on reading. These were all books that really did not spark the joy I was looking for.  

I re-boxed my books by series, hardbacks and paperbacks. I made sure to keep like-size books together because that is how I organize my shelves.  I started out with 7 boxes and ended with 6. Granted, some of these are good-sized boxes and I can fit quite a few books in them!

{In total, I set aside exactly 30 books!}

Once I started setting aside books it became apparent that I not only needed this de-clutter but I wanted it. Knowing that I already wanted to make space (you know…for more books) made it 10x easier to set aside books that I’ve held on to for years. 

My Final Thoughts and Feelings

I’m at that point in my life where I realize that it’s becoming pointless to hold on to so much stuff . I’ve moved several times within the past 4 years – packing and re-boxing books and leaving stuff in storage has become ridiculous and unnecessary. I almost want to start over, but starting over is expensive. Alas, I can only get rid of those items that I 20190125_195819really don’t need anymore. 

I’m ready to go through papers, momentos, clothes and miscellaneous items and move on with my life! The KonMari method has provided for me a motivation and push that I needed.

On a More Deeper Note

In my blog post Where Has Forensic Mom Been?! , I told you all that I left my long-term boyfriend and father of my kiddo. Well, with leaving him I have felt such freedom, yet so much confinement, if that is even possible? 

I felt trapped because of all the memories attached to so many things that I have – even items that I’ve owned long before I met him – so much so that it’s almost like I have this bad taste in my mouth when looking at certain things. 

Blogging started out as a healing process and then somewhere along the way it wasn’t something I enjoyed anymore. I’m working to rectify that. It might seem weird to you all, but this cleansing process of de-cluttering books has helped a lot. I reconnected with old favorites and new ones too.

My love for reading and blogging is slowly rekindling and I’m excited for this small fire starting to light within me. 








My YA TBR Backlist

I’ve seen a lot of your shelves. You know… the ones on Instagram that are so color coordinated and gorgeous. The ones that are floor to ceiling and the ones that have multiple editions of the same books. I envy all of you…. but with shelves like those I don’t envy your backlisted books. Your massive TBR shelves. Some of you have whole bookcases filled *swoon*!!

I’m sitting here staring at the 7 boxes of books I have (not including the random books I have scattered throughout my room). Yes, boxes, because my adored shelves are currently sitting and wasting away in storage </3. I’m looking at them and I’m thinking, what series have I not finished yet? What series do I have but haven’t even started? 


I don’t know about you all, but I have a habit of buying the first book in a series and then not finishing them. Today, I’m going through my 7 boxes (one not pictured) and taking a look to see what exactly it is that I need to finish. This year is all about beating my backlist and the majority of my backlist are YA series that I have yet to complete.

In the back of my mind I want to employ the Marie Kondo method.  GASP. I know, right?! For those of you who don’t know, Marie Kondo tidies up homes and spaces using the ‘spark joy’ method. If it doesn’t spark joy in your life then get rid of it.

The only reason why I am considering this method is because I will be moving into my own place (soon, hopefully) and I need to downsize. I can’t believe those words came out of my mouth regarding my precious books!I will donate or do a giveaway of books I decide not to keep, so all will not be lost <3.

YA Backlisted TBR Books

Oh man, here goes.

My list for Books that I have but not yet Started:

  • The Young Elites – Marie Lu
  • The Black Witch – Laurie Forest
  • An Ember in the Ashes – Sabaa Tahir
  • Daughter of the Centaurs – Kate Klimo


Books that I have but haven’t finished (I’ve at least read the first book in the series):

  • Evermore –  Alyson Noel
  • Hunter – Mercedes Lackey
  • Vampire Academy – Richelle Mead
  • Daughter of the Pirate King – Tricia Levenseller
  • Passenger – Alexander Bracken
  • A Darker Shade of Magic – V.E. Schwab
  • Red Queen – Victoria Aveyard
  • Throne of Glass – Sara J. Maas
  • First Life – Gena Showalter
  • The Raven Cycle – Maggie Stiefvater
  • Daughter of Smoke and Bone – Laini Taylor
  • The Warrior Heir – Cinda Willima Chima


I definitely have more series that I’ve started than I actually have. I should probably note that I’ve finished all of the Throne of Glass books except Tower of Dawn and The Assassin’s Blade, because this series is my favorite, I will more than likely finish those two books first in my backlist!

Now, here are a list of books that are not YA but are series that I would like to start/finish

  • Game of Thrones
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • Outlander – Diana Gabaldon (I’m literally halfway through Written in my Own Hearts Blood, and have been for a year now)

Check back for my next blog post about my experience with the Marie Kondo Method!


Where Has Forensic Mom Been?!

When I started Forensic Mom Blog back in May of 2016 it was meant as a coping mechanism when I separated from my long-term boyfriend. At the time I was a newly single parent to a one-year old baby and needed something to keep my mind off my current separation. I had just found out there was such a thing as blogging (OMG how did it take me so long to find that out?!) and immediately dived into the blogging world. I never knew there was a ‘bookstagram’ or that people reviewed books as a favorite past-time and even made money from it! To this day I am still blown away by the blogging community and how people can be so devoted and uplifting.

So, Where Have I Been?

In February of 2018 I again separated from my boyfriend for the LAST time and struggled with my mental health and self-appreciation. I basically fell off the face of the earth with my blogging and Forensic Mom Blog just slowly slipped into the background. 

Mental health wasn’t something I believed in. I scoffed at those who struggled with depression and considered myself mentally capable and stable…..until I had to come to terms with the fact that I was indeed depressed. There was no going around the truth of it.

I know depression comes in all shapes and sizes and for me it was a subtle transition into a downward spiral. I stopped doing the things that I loved. I stopped reading and blogging. I stopped going out and hanging with friends. I wanted to sleep all the time. I became easily angered and frustrated. I had no motivation.

I felt undervalued, underappreciated, that I wasn’t enough when I finally left my situation. I became a single-mom with two degrees that I had no idea what to do with. I started living back at home with my dad in one bedroom that I shared with my son. I obtained a job as a security guard in a small-town casino. All these things built up in my head as ‘failing’ – Until recently.

You see, 2018 became the year that I started appreciating myself and learning to see my situation as not failing but as succeeding:

  • I left a toxic relationship where I was consistently unhappy, constantly making excuses for him. A relationship where I was doing everything but yet it wasn’t enough.
  • I gained my first job in 3 years which means I’m making my OWN money
  • Yes, I have a dual degree, not using them right now does not mean I’m failing.
  • I’m happier than I have ever been in 5 years

Just those four little things turned from being a thorn in my side to being four things that make my mind just a tad bit healthier. I have learned to rephrase self-depreciating statements into statements that make me motivated to see things in a better light.

What Are My Plans for the Future?

This past year has been an intense journey and I just want to continue looking forward to what 2019 has in store for me. 

I am just now getting motivation to slowly bring myself back into the blogging world. I’m hoping Forensic Mom will make a comeback in the upcoming year.

My plans are to just focus on myself, my son, finding where I belong and what I should be doing with my life. I want to continue focusing on appreciating what I have and remembering that everyone finds their purpose in their own time.

I’m going to view blogging as a fun hobby and not a chore. I’m going to read what I want and when I want without fearing my Goodread’s Challenge. I want to enjoy what I love again without putting deadlines on it.

I will write when I have something to say.

This year I’m just looking forward to a Me that I can be proud of.




NaNoWriMo Day 11 in the Books

I was still writing well into the night last night, but I day 11 ended at 777 words for a total of 11,999. I got a giggle out of that. I couldn’t have typed just one more measly word to get to 12k before midnight.

Today, however is a different story. I’ve been sick all day and have only written 623 words so far, but the night is still young I plan on ending on at least 1.5k words tonight.

My plot progression is stuck and I have a lot to work on! This whole ‘panster’ thing probably wasn’t a good idea, but that’s how I am. I fly by the seat of my pants.

DAY 1 (12)